30 Things To Do In The UK On A Hot Summer Day

Summer is hard to tackle, especially during the heat wave season. Usually, people enjoy summers with cold beverages, outdoor games, and evening snacks. This is all before the big heat wave; when it comes to outdoor activities, they are the last thing you wish to do. Heat waves can be hazardous, especially for people who are old or kids. People with serious illnesses are at high risk of getting affected by heat waves. This guide will discuss what to do on a hot day in detail.

Understanding The Risks Of A Hot Day

Hot days are evil for your physical health. During heat waves, there are significant chances of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is challenging to differentiate between exhaustion and stroke. There is a slight difference, but heatstroke is more dangerous. 

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion causes the excessive loss of water, salt, and sugar from the body through sweating. To cope with it, you need to keep yourself hydrated, avoid direct sun exposure, and learn ways to cool down your temperature. 

Heat stroke

Heat stroke increases the body's temperature to a high range, dangerously affecting the body. There is no significant way for the body to cool down. It may cause confusion, headache, nausea, and muscle stiffness. People often experience pale skin, which is observed on the palms, hands, tongue, and nails. It increases rapidly; the body becomes unresponsive in no time. Children are vulnerable and more prone to this stroke, so it's better to give immediate aid to cool them down.

What To Do On A Hot Day Inside?

Summer days are sweltering and buzzy, especially when it's baking hot outside, and you can’t risk going out. The only thing to consider is getting ideas about what to do on a hot day inside. You can do a lot of stuff to spend quality time at home.

Rearrange The Closet

Some people may find rearranging the closet boring, but you can make it fun to get rid of troubles. You can start a podcast, a documentary, or your favourite playlist and enjoy doing the house chores to reduce the impacts of heat waves. You can decide on a target for yourself to arrange the clothes colour-wise and assemble them in a row. 

Try Flavoured Ice Cubes

There are unlimited ways to make your ice cubes studded with fruits, herbs, or edible floral petals and leaves. Simply add them to the cubes and pour your favourite juice, tea, coffee, or even water. This activity could be fun if you let your kids join you. They may recognize different colours, shapes, and ideas.

Flavoured ice cubes

DIY Indoor Bowling

If you can’t go outside for bowling, you don’t need to install a designated set. You can make up your own by setting up waste water bottles, soda cans, or paper towels. This may attract kids to play and have fun.

Select A Series And Start Watching

You can watch your favourite series in your home by making your space like a perfect cinema. Get yourself chilled drinks and some snacks, and start watching.

Solve Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are an attention-grabbing activity. Once you start solving the puzzle, you will get involved, and ultimately, you can easily spend time at home to avoid heat waves.

FaceTime, A Long-Distance Friend

You can spend your hot summer day with your friends on Facetime to get better vibes and not panic. It will help you to spend quality time at home. 

What To Do On A Hot Day Outside?

When you are outside and want to have fun, but the baking hot sun is not letting things be done, you need a break. It will help you pamper yourself and avoid the impacts of heat waves. The burning effects on your skin need to be treated well. Try using the ideas below to know what to do on a hot day outside

Get A Nice Facial

Heat waves open up pores and damage skin. Open pores cause more sweat, which may lead to acne. You can get a facial to give your skin a cooling effect. You can also get a cooling pillow to cool your head.

Map Out Your Next Dream Trip

This way, you can make your mind fresh and feel active. Some of the dream trips never become possible because of sweltering days. It's challenging to go on a trip without adequate cooling arrangements. Now, there is nothing to worry about; BLUETTI Swap Solar is a complete ecosystem that provides services for power stations and cooling portable fridges, which will manage your trip accordingly. You can manage the charging of batteries without worrying. It has an amazing cooling system installed which will make your tour amazing.
BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem

Plan A Picnic In A Cold Area

For travel from a hot area to a cold one, you can utilise the BLUETTI swap solar service. Its portable fridge is designed to keep food cold for up to 3 days per battery. You can even plan a trekking trip.

Rafting Trip

You can gather your group and plan to go rafting. On hot days, it is better to have water-based activities; they maintain the body temperature.

Pool Party

Summer demands parties at the pool to refresh yourself. You can make a plan with your friends or family and spend a day at the pool. Taking a long bath reduces the heat impacts. Ultimately, the body feels active. You need to have a power station to avoid charging issues during the day. BLUETTI provides the best portable power station which takes a short charging time of only 3-4 hours.
BLUETTI EB70 portable power station

What To Do On A Hot Day With Friends?

Friends make memories no matter what the weather is. If you are thinking of what to do on a hot day with friends, there is a lot to do together. Let’s delve into some ideas for friends.

Try A New Recipe

The reunion can bring many joyous moments when you are with your friends. You can make a new recipe or sweet and cold dessert to cherish your memories.

Tackle A DIY Project

If you're stuck on your DIY project, you can get your friends' help and finish the task on hot days. It will help you spend quality time together, and by staying at home, you will be able to avoid heat waves.

Indoor Camping

Kids and even adults can enjoy camping with friends in the house. They can play games like flashcards to have a good time.

No Bake Recipes

On hot days it is a real dream to cook recipes with no stove usage. You can utilise frozen items to make a treat for you. You may use the frozen pasta or make a smoothie with bananas. 

Games And Activities You Can Do With Your Children On A Hot Day

On hot days, children often get bored of staying inside and have not much to do. Planning some games and activities is better so they have a good time. To give them such a pleasant experience, you can:

Create An Indoor Obstacle Course

Indoor games and activities are entertaining to do on hot summer days. Kids who are desperate to utilise their energies can get some agility tasks. You can make a proper setup for them with toy barriers or use cushions and pillows to create the obstacles and let them jump over them. You can hang different objects like keys, make them follow a defined path, and bring those hangings. This will keep them busy and engaging.

Do An Indoor Scavenger Hunt

You can list items you will ask the kids to look for in the house to let them have some fun indoors. You can make the hinds and clues according to your child's age and ability to deal with complexity. You can hide the objects at different places and let the kids start the search operations. You can also look for other templates for a scavenger hunt. 

Explore Water Beads 

Water beads are squishy plastic objects that can give your child fantastic sensory play. Water beads are tiny and hard beads; when you leave them in water, after some time, they slowly grow. Over a few hours, the intricate beads turn into soft, round balls.

Try giving them as much time in water as you can. It will make the balls bigger and bouncy. You can pour those balls into a clear container, attracting kids and giving them imaginative playtime. You can arrange it at a higher level, let the kids enter into the container and enjoy playing with those beads.

water bead

Craft Ice Cream Sandwiches Or Sundaes

On hot summer evenings, kids really enjoy having ice cream and sundaes. It's fun to give them such activities in which you let the kids make their ice creams from scratch. It will give your child a joyous experience. You can also make ice lollies with kids in multiple colours and shapes to give kids a recognition of different shapes and colours along with a fun time.

Go Ice Skating

If your child is showing tantrums and is tired of staying indoors, it's better to take them ice skating. The idea of playing in a winter spot is amazing, especially in the heat outside. You can find an artificial skate spot nearby, pack some layers, and then move for the icy fun with your kids. 

Indoor Plants

In the baking heat outside, it is not possible for plants to survive, you can put them inside and plant more seeds. This way you can engage kids with you, and they will enjoy this mini gardening. 

What To Do On A Hot Day By Yourself?

When it is a hot day, there is a lot that you should do to make yourself physically well. There are some things that you should do to make your hot day better.

Have Light Meals

It is better to have lighter meals on hot summer days. It makes your stomach balanced, and you feel hydrated. A more meaty meal takes more water to digest; ultimately, you feel heavier. You must include more watery foods in your diet, like cucumber, celery, lettuce, yoghurt, etc., as they will keep you hydrated on hot days. Soupy and stewed food also helps regulate your hydration level.

Minimise Alcohol Usage

Mixing too much heat on hot summer days with multiple drinks is not a good combination. Alcohol consumption can cause dehydration. It can cause even more damage if your body is already struggling to get cool. Alcohol usage can lead to less sleep at night, especially in summer. It can also limit the freshness level even after you get some sleep.

Drink More Water

When you are looking for what to do on a hot day by yourself to stay hydrated, avoid using caffeine and make sure to have more water than usual. Isotonic sports drinks can cover the excluded salts and fluids from your body. On summer days, due to sweating, more water is lost than one can even imagine. So, it is better to stick to getting rid of dehydration.

Stay In The Basement Area

The basement is the coldest area of every home, just because it is away from heat waves. In summer, you can spend most of your time there to avoid heat stroke. 

Stay Wet

Cooling down your skin can normalise your body temperature, and you can easily manage your hydration level through it.

Different ways can help you cool down your skin:

  • Using a wet shirt can be effective.
  • Buy some cooling sprays to have a cooling effect in the heat.
  • Have frequent cool showers to level down your body temperature, making you feel fresh for extended periods.

Avoid Direct Sun Exposure

It is recommended not to go outside on hot days. However, it is only sometimes possible to stay indoors. When there is an immediate need to go out:

  • Apply a gentle amount of sunscreen.
  • Wear a hat to save your head from direct heat waves.
  • Stay more in shades
  • Wear light colours and breathable dresses to stay cool.

Keep Your Home Cold

You can try different techniques to make your home cold, it will give you comfortable vibes by staying at home.


Understanding the dangers of heat waves and avoiding direct exposure to heat is essential. To do so, you need to follow some ideas to prevent heat and do the activities from home or in your surroundings. This guide teaches you different things about what to do on a hot day. Furthermore, BLUETTI powers your equipment and offers fantastic outdoor activity services. With all these luxuries, you can make your days easy and comfortable even in these hot summer days.

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